The annual Unshackler Awards is a series of 10 Awards to be released over coming weeks to remember the good and the bad. Now it’s time to publicly shame the biggest fake news companies nominated by The Unshackled team. Then you the public get to reduce it down to just one: The “2024 Fake News of the Year Award” which will be announced on Australia Day.
I will be co-hosting a new show with Andy Nolch called The Theorists. We will be discussing what and who we believe is really behind the news as well as controversial conspiracy theories about Aliens, Space, Hollywood, Reptilians, Flat Earth and more.
This exciting and entertaining weekly show will be premiering this Tuesday 9pm Melbourne time. Subscribe to The Theorists' dedicated YouTube channel to catch the launch live.
It has been hectic during the last few months, and our awards season has come to an end! The Australian of the Year Awards were just announced, and the Unshackler Awards will be announced now! We thank all our voters for letting us know which individuals defined last year. From heroes of the Western world to triggered lefties, we have them all right here.
There’s been so much winning this past week. US President Donald Trump fulfils promises made promises kept with his pardons and executive orders. Rising nationalism sees total Australia Day Victory in sight. But there’s more winning to come on Tim's News Explosion live tonight 8.30pm AEDT on YouTube, Rumble and X.
In this Report, Richard celebrates Australia Month and Australia Day which is on January 26 and no other day.